Monday, February 17, 2014

Autumn in the Abyss: An Introduction & Pre-Orders.

The time has come!  In a whirlwind that included intense editing--even a day on skype reading the stories back and forth and tweaking them to as close to perfection as humanly possible--as well working on the cover art and adjusting those damn beautiful horns to perfection--a move away from the little horns and the follow-up Mickey Mouse looking ones; me chatting with my girlfriend, Alessandra Bava, and she noting what editor/publisher Kate Jonez and I had noted: they might be construed as Mickey Mouse ears! No, we can't have that.  Alessandra suggesting they should be bigger, he's a big man.  How about ram's horns? I passed this on to Kate and awakened the next morning to "Eureka!" from her and those horns, symbolic and so damn perfect for the Sexy Beast who adorns the cover and narrates the title story--we are ready!

That's a lot of "perfection/perfect" for one rambling sentence, but you get the gist.

We Are Ready!

Autumn in the Abyss, my second collection of horror/dark fiction tales is available for pre-order adesso!  [That's Italian for Now!] The paperback, at least.  The ebook will come soon, I'm sure. 

What's that?  Well, sure, the TOC:

Autumn in the Abyss
Broken Teacup
La mia immortalità
Becoming Human
Where the Light Won’t Find You

Yes, a sweet, bloody handful of horror.  Two novelettes and three inter-connected via a recurring character short stories.  I'll blog details and samples, teasers, what-nots and whatever over the next couple weeks until the book is officially released on the 3rd of March. 

Pre-order now so you can get a copy ASAP--As Soon As Published.  Please and Thank You! 

I can't wait for you to read these tales and get to know all about poet Henry Coronado's bleak, self-annihilating history; the mysterious Mr. Liu; Detective Bobby Vera and his dealings with the copycat follower of the monster, Corbin Andrew Krell, and so much more.

Here's the purchasing info:

Here's a little blog Alessandra wrote and I will expand on when I blog about the title story:

Here's the poetry beast in all his glory:

Are you ready?  Let's rock!

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