Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Beauty of Death: the Origin of "Rotten Apples."

A few days ago, up-and-coming writer of dark, strange fiction, Daniel Braum, invited me to write a post for his blog about my tale in The Beauty of Death anthology.  We'd been discussing the anthology on Facebook and I mentioned the origin of my tale, "Rotten Apples," which piqued his interest.  So, click HERE and find out the origin for yourself.

While I'm here, it would be remiss of me not to mention that Daniel and I share the TOC in this massive anthology with...well, here's the whole list of talented writers: Peter Straub, Ramsey Campbell, Edward Lee, John Skipp, Poppy Z. Brite, Nick Mamatas, Shane McKenzie,Tim Waggoner, Lisa Morton, Gene O'Neill, Linda Addison, Maria Alexander, Monica O'Rourke, John Palisano, Bruce Boston, Alessandro Manzetti, Rena Mason, Kevin Lucia, Colleen Anderson,Thersa Matsuura, John F.D. Taff, James Dorr, Marge Simon, Stefano Fantelli, K. Trap Jones, Del Howison, Paolo Di Orazio, Ron Breznay, Mike Lester, Annie Neugebauer, Nicola Lombardi, JG Faherty, Kevin David Anderson, Erinn Kemper, Adrian Ludens, Luigi Musolino, Alexander Zelenyj, Daniele Bonfanti, Kathryn Ptacek, Simonetta Santamaria). As a first anthology from Italy's Independent Legions Publishing, it's a knockout.  You can purchase a copy HERE via Amazon.

Also of note, Braum's debut collection, The Night Marchers and Other Strange Tales, was published recently.  It's one I look forward to digging into, probably in September, as I'm wrapping up reading some chapbooks and collections and even a novel or two, many for inclusion in a blog post that will be full of reviews.  I'll get that together after finishing a couple more collections.  I'm in Rome for the summer, which means write write write...and catching up with reading, too!  I need this.  Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah.  Braum's collection can be ordered HERE (print), and HERE (digital).     

I'll be back sooner than later with that post with reviews, as well as some details from the three tales from my new chapbook, The Wrath of Concrete and Steel, which is available HERE via the publisher, Dunhams Manor Press, and soon from Amazon, too!

Until then...Rock On and Stay Weird...or something, what the heck?! 

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