Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Waffle House: I May Be A Horror Writer But...

...I also write poetry that is all over the place when it comes to focus. Sure, a lot of it is dark, the themes veer from obsessions to addictions to many other off-ramps leaning into darkness. Dread is a favorite subject. Horror creeps into some, of course. And weirdness is threaded through many of them. 

Occasionally, I need a break or assume, as I am putting together a poetry collection, the reader might need a break from the heaviness, while still keeping it weird and/or amusing. 

Which brings me to Waffle House, a poem based on a true experience. Really, c'mon, for somebody just passing through the South--Louisiana, to be precise--one has to eat at a Waffle House at least once, to see what it's all about. 

This, my friends, is the truth about what it is all about. Vague as it may be. 



Waffle House


I have no idea what she said

Menu options spoken in an

Alien language

Stared dumbfounded as her lips moved

Its lips moved

It could not have been of this earth

I nodded and said “sure”

Not knowing what I was agreeing to

Anal probes or a side of grits

The woman sitting across from me

A transient partner just passing through

Shrugged as we laughed

The outcome of our vague decisions

Still up in the air

Perhaps with The Mothership

Or the Starship Enterprise.


Waffle House, man

Good for a hearty breakfast

In the Twilight Zone…


I kid you not. That was one weird experience. 

While I am here, I will remind you I have a new, expanded reissue of my second collection that is looking for your eyes to read and perhaps your pen or keyboard to type up a review. Here's the link. Autumn in the Abyss Redux - Kindle edition by Smith, John Claude. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

And here's Waffle House!


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